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God’s Unfailing Provision: Trusting in His Plan During Uncertain Times

Sometimes we are put into situations and wonder what in the world we are going to do. We know that God says He has plans that are good for us. However, we have a hard time seeing how in the world this situation can be good or work out well.

Elijah was in a situation like this in 1 Kings 16. He had told Ahab that there was going to be a drought in Israel. That was okay though as God had made a provision for Elijah. He told him to go to the brook Cherith and he could drink from the brook and the ravens would bring him food. Elijah was all set, he obeyed God and was provided for. But then….the brook dried up.

The Lord then spoke to Elijah again, He told Elijah to go to Zarephath and there was a widow there who was going to take care of him. Elijah didn’t ask any questions; he just obeyed and did what God had told him to do. He got there and saw the widow who was picking up sticks. He asked her for a drink of water – in a drought. This widow with a son to care for, said that she would do that. Then Elijah asked her for a little cake with his water….after all, she was going to sustain him. The widow said she would love to, but all she had was a handful of flour and a little oil. She was going to make something for her son and her to eat before they died of starvation. Elijah told her that she would have plenty of flour and oil, she just needed to do what he had asked her to do. She brought him his water and cake, and she had plenty of flour and oil to sustain her family and Elijah. She did what Elijah told her to do just like Elijah had done what God told him to do. God was faithful and supplied the needs of the widow, her son, and Elijah.

This is similar to a situation in John 6 when there were five thousand men who had followed Jesus because they had seen the miracles he was doing. They weren’t following for what He was teaching or Who He was, but what He could do. They were hungry and He noticed their need. He asked the disciples what food was available. Andrew brought him the food given up by a lad – his lunch – five small loaves and two fish. The Lord said that the people should sit down in this area where there was a lot of grass – perfect for a picnic. He gave God thanks publicly for the food that had been provided and gave it to the people who were sitting down in the grass that had also been provided and not only was there enough food for each person there, but there were twelve baskets of leftovers.

God not only provides everything we need when we obey Him and have faith in Him, but He gives us much more than we could even think of or expect. It may not be the way we expected it, or even what we expected, but He will always provide more than we can ask or think. 

We are reminded in Psalm 121 that we do not need to fear the circumstances in which we find ourselves. All we need to do is lift up our eyes….God is there. He is our keeper, our refuge, He is never sleeping when we call on Him or need Him. He is waiting for us. He wants to help us and provide for us. He is never going to put us into a situation where He is not going to help us.  This is a super encouraging thought as we go through struggles.

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