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Popular Myth: Christians Have No Fun in Life

When you think of good Christian fun, several things might come to mind: youth group, mini golf, bowling, ping pong, and Bananagrams. There’s nothing wrong with any of those things. Still, today’s episode is about the wide diversity of hobbies, leisure, and adventurous activities that real Christians engage in to keep life interesting. At the same time, we look for the Lord’s return and balance work, faith, and family life.

Questions we ask:

  • What do you enjoy?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What are the common barriers Christians face when it comes to having fun? Is it wrong?
  • Do non-Christians like this activity too much? Does that automatically mean I shouldn’t do it?
  • This world is a wilderness – does that mean we can’t enjoy anything while we are here?
  • How do we reconcile the idea of being pilgrims in this world with the enjoyment of earthly blessings?
  • In what sense are we pilgrims? Context matters.
  • How does Colossians 2:21 shape our understanding of fun as Christians? What does this verse tell us about the balance between enjoying life and maintaining our faith?

How do issues like being overly busy or feeling guilty impact our ability to prioritize enjoyment?
Guilt – “Redeeming the time” (Ephesians 5:16) – If you have spare time, how should it be spent? Is it wise to spend it on entertainment? Or something else?
Guilt – “The pride of life” – Am I investing too much into entertainment and the things of this life?


One takeaway I have from this conversation is that everything we do in this life should not be centered around work, career, or advancement. Yes, we have to live, but our relationship with the Lord, fellowship with others, and what we do during “downtime” are so important.

As always, we must use biblical principles to navigate our Christian walk. Be happy – enjoy your life! When considering an activity or hobby you’re unsure about, ask the Lord to help you evaluate it!

Thanks again for joining us at the Patterns of Truth podcast! Our goal is simple: to inspire meaningful dialogue and foster spiritual growth in our relationship with the Lord. Tell others about the podcast and submit your questions!

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Patterns of Truth Podcast
Patterns Of Truth

A place for casual discussions of Biblical principles and difficult questions that face the Christian believer. We believe that the Bible can speak to todays issues, giving us the wisdom and courage we need for our lives. Find us online at https://patternsoftruth.org/

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  • These would be my suggested guide lines about what entertainments to engage in.
    (1). J. N. Darby, in his address at Ryde asked ‘Do you do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus? If not, you are giving up Christ for some folly or other. If you cannot do the thing in that name, do not do it at all’. https://www.stempublishing.com/authors/darby/NOTESJOT/40010E.html
    (2) Can I continue in communion with the living Christ in glory while engaged in this activity?
    (30. Would I be ashamed at His coming if the Lord suddenly returned while I was at this venue or was engaged in this activity?

    • Thank you for sharing! I haven’t read the entire address yet, but I plan to. The final point particularly strikes a chord with me: Will I be ashamed of what I’m doing when Christ returns? It’s fascinating that these same questions were asked long before technology and entertainment became so widespread. Human desires have remained unchanged.

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