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On this last episode recorded in 2022, we asked a bunch of people this question. What has the Lord taught you in 2022? Some of the answers included how to…
Joining Patricia and Krista in a special interview, once again, is Brian Reynolds! He recently (as of the recording of this podcast) returned from a trip to Poland, Romania, and…
"He never does anything purposelessly." Welcome to another Patterns of Truth podcast! Joining Peter in today's conversation is our special guest Peg Sawires, also known to many as "Aunt Peg."…
This episode is called “Desperate for the Right Person” and we will be dealing with the topic of dating, courting, match-making, marriage – all-of-the-above that is related to finding lifelong…
What is the multiverse?A multiverse?Multivers-es? It's quite a hot topic of discussion. Films like Back to the Future and Star Wars, and books like The Cosmic Jackpot and The Privileged…
Concluding our Be a Witness series, our conversation today includes Peter, Roy, Patricia and guest Rob Lederer talking about reaching out to the STEM audience. Our "Be a Witness" podcasts…