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Be A Witness: Church Hurt

“…We are still a group of people who are fallen and prone to make mistakes. In general, people will disappoint us, doesn’t matter if they are believers or unbelievers,” -Peter

But if that’s the case, why does being hurt by Christians hurt more than some other types of hurt we can experience as believers?

Peter and Krista co-host the next iteration of our “Be A Witness” series, and this one’s going to be about church hurt.

What is church hurt?

“Church hurt can be so many different things… I can relate to the judgmental aspect of it. But also…when we’re being hypocritical [and] acting in one way and not being a reflection of Christ, that can cause hurt. Or approaching someone in the flesh because you feel justified in what you’re doing, and maybe it’s not the way the Lord would have you approach the subject. There are so many different things that could be hurtful depending on the person that you’re dealing with.” -Krista

Sometimes it’s perceived hurt, sometimes it’s actual, but both can be dangerous and need to be handled with care.

Joining our hosts is guest speaker Tim Hadley Sr. of Anchors for Life Ministries. Tim has been in full-time ministry for over 30 years, and together he and his wife Shelly serve the Lord by ministering the Word of God in the local church and elsewhere as they travel and visit other assemblies.

Our podcast will delve into several aspects of church hurt. Things like—

  • -What church hurt is, in a general sense (3:05)
  • -Steps you can take to approach someone who has hurt you—or who you’ve hurt—according to Matthew 18 (Step 1 9:51) (Step 2 11:33)
  • -The best way to display character (18:46)
  • -What to do when we can’t fix the hurt (23:57)
  • -Reconciling the difference between not being judgmental while at the same time not compromising the truth (25:52)
  • -The apostle John’s advice to Gaius in 3 John (28:34)

—and interwoven throughout the whole episode are themes of forgiveness, transparency, and displaying Christ. 

Whether you have experienced church hurt for yourself or have been a part of causing that hurt in others (even unintentionally), remember that God’s not finished working in your life and the lives around you.

If you’re interested in hearing more on the topic, join the discussion by leaving us a comment or reaching out to us! We at Patterns of Truth want to encourage, equip and build up the people we come in contact with through the truths that can be found in the Word of God. And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our previous episode in this series, Be a Witness: Homosexuality and Sexual Abuse.

 To check out more of Anchors for Life Ministries and Tim’s work, head over to anchorsforlife.org or check out the Anchors for Life Youtube channel and follow Anchors for Life on Facebook and Instagram if you want to be updated on any new content!

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Patterns of Truth Podcast
Patterns of Truth Podcast
Patterns Of Truth

A place for casual discussions of Biblical principles and difficult questions that face the Christian believer. We believe that the Bible can speak to todays issues, giving us the wisdom and courage we need for our lives. Find us online at https://patternsoftruth.org/

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1 Comment

  • I enjoyed the podcast and the hosts’ simple openness about the subject. Hurts that we recieve … or causes …. In Christian community are hard to experience and have lasting effects … hearing the actual voices of other believers makes clearer how to implement God’s principles, especially those that pertain to our own hearts and our own motives. Nice work … this is the second podcast I’ve listened to here, and I’ll be back for more.

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